Montgomery,  The Boys

Cats and Snow

Monty decided not too soon after we brought him home that he would adopt the Adventure Cat™ lifestyle. He learned to walk on a leash, yell at the door a whole lot, and we picked him up a cat backpack so he could come with us on walks to ship orders or visit the park. Life was good in the backyard eating grass, rolling in dirt, chasing squirrels as far as his short leash would allow (which to be fair is not very far and I think a lot of the squirrels were laughing at him), and generally chatting it up with Mr. Sun so long as the neighbour dogs weren’t also in their yards.

Montgomery is a proud Adventure Cat.

But as is the case every year here in Ontario, Mr. Sun’s betrayal was inevitable and Dr. Winter (who has a PhD in Frostology) arrived sometime in November. Monty continued to yell at the door for his adventure times, but as soon as he was outside, he was a shivering mess of confusion, eying us with a deep sense of betrayal, because how could we have allowed the outside to fall into such chilly disrepair?

Snow followed not soon after, and at least one backpack walk was attempted with Monty bundled in his winter jacket (though it should be noted it couldn’t have been less than 5°C and this cat is double-coated) but said walk ended in many shivers and a mad scramble back into his backpack sanctuary when walking on the leash was attempted.

So, Monty hates the cold.

But Monty still wants to go outside.

This past week our city has experienced an accumulation of 60cm of snow in 3 days. Our city also experienced a screaming Monty begging to go outside to eat grass in the sun. You may see where this is going…

A photo of our fluffy cat Monty laying in his cat tree with an enormous amount of snow visible through the window behind him.
The aftermath of the first snowstorm (another 30cm was still yet to come)
A photo of our cat Monty bundled up in his winter jacket, standing ready to go outside. A huge drift of snow is on the other side of the screen door.
Monty has some concerns.

So that very obviously didn’t happen as Monty anticipated, and he’s still mad at us for not understanding that he didn’t want snow, he wanted SUN and GRASS, and he’s frustrated and disappointed but understands that we’re merely idiotic humans so what was he really expecting.

“Still no.”

But we got some pretty damn cute photos out of it, so there IS that…

Only about 2.5 months left until we’re out of snow and mud season, buddy!

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